Editor-in-chief Dr. Azzat Al-Jamal writes: Why do all Arabs and Africans want victory for Russia in the Ukrainian war?

Is Israeli occupation in Palestine permissible while Russian occupation in Ukraine is considered impermissible? Despite Russia not seeking this war directly, there is an army in Ukraine supported by American lobbyists. With Ukraine’s President, the clown Volodymyr Zelenskyy, dancing to the tune of Americans aiming to eliminate Ukraine through a deal with America.

Moreover, Ukraine’s pursuit to join the NATO alliance contradicts Russia’s security interests, alongside Kiev’s abandonment of the peace plan for the Donbas region (eastern Ukraine) previously agreed upon with German and French mediation.
Russia, the returning empire from the depths of history, is reshaping the global power dynamics. It’s evident to everyone that today’s Russia, seen as a major force in the world with a cohesive political entity and its own agenda and expansionist ambitions, is not the same Russia of nearly twenty or thirty years ago, especially after the fall of the Berlin Wall or the dissolution of the Soviet Union. It has emerged as a significant power with an important stature, capable of shifting balances in several wars and conflicts.

Through these events, we understand a decline and weakness in the American position, in contrast to the expansion and growing influence of the new Russia, or rather the imperial Russia that Putin strives so hard to restore, building upon the glory of his ancestors. This imperial Russia, led by Peter the Great, once ruled a significant part of the world, including the Russia we know today, areas in the Baltic Sea, and parts of Eastern Europe.
It’s also important not to forget that Russia possesses distinctive geographical characteristics that have contributed to making it a great power. It is the largest country in the world, covering eight percent of its landmass. Russia holds vast reserves of natural resources, notably gas and oil, and it bridges Europe and Asia. Its geography and climate have historically shielded it from adversaries, enabling it to withstand and defeat formidable foes such as Napoleon Bonaparte’s army and Hitler’s Nazi forces.

Ukraine is a vital sphere for Russia, and the risks of its joining NATO are significant. Russia and Ukraine share deep historical ties; many Russian writers and thinkers have Ukrainian roots, particularly in Kiev. Ukraine is considered within Russia’s vital sphere, hence Russia vehemently opposes its NATO membership. NATO was founded to encircle and isolate Russia during the Soviet Union era. If Ukraine joins, Russia’s security would be threatened, reducing it to a mere state and jeopardizing its security. Therefore, Russia categorically rejects Ukraine’s NATO membership.
President Vladimir Putin’s global policy emphasizes mutual trust, respect for each country’s sovereignty, and bilateral relations based on shared interests. Russia’s governmental and popular support in the Arab and African worlds underscores its credibility in promoting stability, security, and peace. Russia refrains from intervening in regional conflicts, bolstering its trustworthiness in Arab and some African nations. These countries look to President Putin to enhance and develop relationships further, particularly through sustainable human development, economic and scientific cooperation, agricultural and industrial projects, infrastructure, and investments.

The Arab world remembers Russia’s political and moral stance, qualifying it to play a significant exemplary role in relations among states seeking development, progress, and stability. Russia supports Arab causes against Israeli and Western hegemony, offering an alternative to US economic and political dominance, asserting sovereignty through economic independence.
Dear reader, the Arab and African world awaits Russia’s triumphant exit from the Ukrainian war. This triumph, by all measures, is poised to play a pivotal role in establishing a new international order that ends American hegemony and the threats it poses to the destinies of the region’s peoples and the world. It aims for a just system that supports peoples’ aspirations for freedom and peace, puts an end to colonial projects and the plundering of nations’ resources, and curtails the United States’ policy of spreading poverty, famine, and encouraging wars worldwide. Moreover, Russia’s victorious withdrawal under President Putin’s leadership from the war in Ukraine signals the emergence of a new international system in which cooperation prevails, fostering brotherhood among peoples and securing freedom for every occupied nation, like the Palestinian people and others enduring similar tragedies. It accelerates the birth of a new system and world based on diversity, respect, social justice, and humanity.