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Editor-in-Chief Dr. Izzat Al-Jamal writes: “The Shameful Session of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu before the U.S. Congress, Supported by the Zionist Lobby”

In evaluating this speech, it is nothing more than a repugnant discourse full of lies. The so-called civilization that Netanyahu claims is actually degradation in a disgraceful session of the U.S. Congress. All honorable members who are not subject to the Zionist lobby’s money refused to attend this session and boycotted it. Notably, around 50 members boycotted the session, and there were massive protests against Netanyahu outside the Congress building. These protests were notably organized by American Jews who demanded the cessation of arms to Israel, in response to the aggression Israel is inflicting on Gaza. Additionally, three families, whose children are prisoners, entered Congress and raised a banner calling for an end to Netanyahu’s actions, after which they were arrested by American police.

What I witnessed in this criminal’s speech was astonishing in its deceit. I believe Netanyahu has surpassed Goebbels in promoting Nazi ideas and mobilizing the German public. Goebbels was a Nazi propaganda minister during World War II, but Netanyahu has outdone him in deceitfulness. The worst part of his speech was his discussion of civilization, claiming that what is happening is not a clash of civilizations but a struggle between good and evil, between barbarism and civilization. He called on the United States to stand side by side to support the civilization he spoke of, which is nothing but degradation leading to the death of 48,000 Palestinians to date, including those under the rubble. The so-called civilization he referred to includes the killing of 17,000 Palestinian children. The civilization Netanyahu described is a degradation that has resulted in the injury of 1,200 Palestinian children who have had their limbs amputated. The so-called civilization he mentioned is the destruction of more than 90% of Palestinian homes, ethnic cleansing, and three war crimes in addition to collective punishment, killing, and the total extermination of the Palestinian people, including the use of starvation as a weapon of war

This is not civilization, as this criminal claims Know that you are a war criminal; people like you should be behind bars or sentenced to death. This is the rule of law if it were applied to you, or life imprisonment. You are a war criminal, and the whole world knows this. Netanyahu defends himself with extreme barbarity. The most dangerous thing he has done is to propagate a major lie that contradicts all United Nations institutions and human rights organizations globally, claiming that he is providing sufficient humanitarian aid to Gaza. This reveals the extent of his deceit.

Moreover, one of the most dangerous things he has attempted to promote is his vision for what he calls “the day after” in Gaza. The vision he presented does not involve ending the Israeli occupation; rather, he wants to create a handful of collaborators, whom he refers to as a civilian administration under Israeli occupation, to fight all Palestinians and to re-engineer every Palestinian mind. This is fascism in its clearest form—these are the ideas of racist fascists.

In my view, Netanyahu’s statements are merely a pretext for his desire to continue the war and aggression. He wants to persist because he knows full well that he cannot eradicate the resistance and that he is unable to impose his control even after ten months of destruction. Netanyahu wants the occupation of Gaza to continue; he aims to impose his own vision not only on Israel but on the entire world, especially the United States, with the support of the Zionist lobby. He hopes Washington will provide him with this military support to continue his plan. When he talks about re-engineering Palestinian awareness, it is not only in Gaza but also in the West Bank, discussing changes to curricula and other matters. He wants to liquidate the Palestinian cause, which is linked to his regional vision. He has returned to discussing normalization with the Arabs as a means to resolve the Palestinian issue, calling for an Abrahamic alliance against the Palestinian people and their rights.

Dear Reader,

Netanyahu’s speech to the U.S. Congress was perhaps the worst colonial and detestable speech in modern human history. It is worth noting that his task today is not easy, not only because 90 members of Congress refused to attend his speech, but also because it was challenged by members of the Senate.

Among the notable figures who abstained from attending this speech were former Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, interim Speaker of the House Patty Murray, Senator Elizabeth Warren, Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Representative Ro Khanna. The decision of the Democratic members of Congress was not well received by many Republicans, including John Cornyn. The Democrats’ boycott of Netanyahu’s speech is shameful and a concession to the most extreme elements within the Democratic Party.

Although this is Netanyahu’s fourth address to Congress—a record for a foreign leader—it comes amid political turmoil in the United States, beginning with the attempted assassination of Trump, Biden’s withdrawal from the previous administration, and Vice President Kamala Harris’s entry into the fray, aiming for the Democratic Party nomination in the November elections.

It is also noteworthy that Netanyahu did not visit Washington at the invitation of the White House but rather at the invitation of Republican congressional leaders, at the behest of the American Zionist lobby, which did not cease applauding during the paid-for speech.

Dear Reader, Netanyahu’s speech was a display of lies and contempt for the world. The speech demonstrates that Netanyahu does not intend to reach a ceasefire agreement. It was full of falsehoods and will not succeed in covering up the failure to address the resistance or the war crimes of genocide.

Netanyahu’s lies about his army not killing a single civilian in the attack on Rafah reveal his contempt for the world. His speech clearly indicates that he has no intention of ending his aggression against Gaza. As Nancy Pelosi said, Netanyahu’s speech was the worst performance ever given by a foreign figure honored with addressing Congress.

I believe that Netanyahu is not capable; on the contrary, if we compare Netanyahu’s four speeches, we find that what happened in the last speech shows that the Zionist movement is in decline, not in progress.

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