السلطة الرابعة

Editor-in-chief Dr. Azzat Al-Jamal writes: “I found Islam in Christian lands like Spain and in Muslim lands like Morocco; Arab identity has been lost, and Islam has vanished.”

Here is the translation of the provided text from Arabic to English:

“The difference is thus between the Kingdom of Spain, the Christians with mercy in their hearts, and the Kingdom of Morocco, the noble Muslims from whose hearts mercy has been severed, now following in the footsteps of the Israeli Zionist Satan in the genocide war on Gaza.

This image includes King Mohammed VI of Morocco, the Muslim king, the Commander of the Faithful, and the Head of the Jerusalem Committee, and King Felipe VI of Spain, the Christian king. If we were to compare the actions of the kings of Morocco and Spain in this article, we find that the Spanish authorities refused the passage of Israeli ships carrying tons of explosives and weapons to kill Palestinians in Gaza in the genocide war, whereas the Moroccan authorities are aiding the Israeli occupation army in the genocide.

Here, we don’t understand anything. Is it supposed that a Muslim, adhering to Islam and mercy, should help the Zionist in killing his Muslim brother? But indeed, this has happened, to the shame and disgrace before the world to know the truth. Morocco here only harms… I admired Morocco sending medical aid convoys to Gaza. What is the benefit of this when you have aided in the genocide? Is this the reward or the atonement for sin and aggression? This is the comparison that the Islamic and Arab world did not expect, nor did the Moroccan people from their king.

The Kingdom of Morocco, with all its might, continues to fight the Palestinian people with all logistical support, aiding in complete genocide covertly and openly the Israeli occupation army. This contradicts the policy of King Mohammed VI, who holds the title of Commander of the Faithful and Head of the Jerusalem Committee. In any appearance before his people and supporters, under the glaring transgressions of a king from the lineage of nobles, his grandfather the Messenger of Allah, may peace and blessings be upon him, the Prophet of our nation, the Prophet of Allah who established justice and transparency, our model as Muslims in his life and after his death, who combined wisdom, tolerance, noble human justice, and compassion for others. My question to you, Your Majesty the King, and the King is only from Allah, ‘Say: O Allah, Owner of Sovereignty, You give sovereignty to whom You will and You take sovereignty away from whom You will,’ would your grandfather, the Messenger of Allah, accept all of this from you?”
Here is the translation of the text from Arabic to English:

“This is my question today, dear reader, and my question to the decision-makers in the Kingdom of Morocco: Will you assist in the killing of your brethren in Palestine? Do you know that the number of women, children, and innocent victims killed has reached around 35,000, with thousands more wounded? Do you know that Christians in Spain exhibit more mercy and Islamic values than we Muslims do? If we claim to be Muslims, why do we not find any Islam in our actions? Do they know God while we have forgotten Him? Where is our religion?”
Under the patronage of the Commander of the Faithful and Chairman of the Jerusalem Committee, King Mohammed VI, the new Israeli Navy landing ship INS Komeyut arrived at the port of Tangier in the Arab Moroccan Kingdom for refueling. The vessel was en route from the United States to Israel. Supplies and equipment were transferred aboard in Tangier, the busiest port in Africa, located south of the Strait of Gibraltar.

At this stage, the ship disabled its transmission and reception system. The landing crafts on board are designed for rapid troop deployment on beaches. The ship measures approximately 95 meters in length, weighs over 2500 tons, and is crewed by dozens of naval combat soldiers, including a quarter who are female. The ship’s commander holds the rank of lieutenant.

It’s worth noting that about a month ago, the Spanish government refused to allow the cargo ship Marianne Danica, flying the Danish flag, to dock in the port of Cartagena because it carried 27 tons of explosives destined for Israeli ports in the Mediterranean Sea. Morocco, known for its opposition to normalization, hosts such ships, demonstrating King Mohammed VI’s commitment to the Jerusalem Committee. However, this passage violates a ruling by the International Court of Justice following a lawsuit filed by South Africa against the Zionist entity.

Morocco has entered into several military agreements to support and defend the Zionist entity, making Moroccan sovereignty subject to these agreements. Despite this, commercial ships like the VERTOM ODETTE from India continue to dock in Tangier, reportedly carrying similar cargoes. This is not the first such incident in Tangier.

Authorities in Morocco are reported to have supplied fuel and provisions to facilitate the ship’s journey to Haifa without any official stance against the Israeli entity, unlike the Spanish government’s actions. This covert support contrasts sharply with the public image presented to Muslims, showing Morocco under the grip of Zionist occupation and American dominance like any other state that severed its head.

When will these despotic regimes heed the cries of their people? If they truly represent their people, they have no choice but to listen and act, respecting their will. Arab and Muslim rulers have abandoned Al-Aqsa and Jerusalem, but the peoples have not. They remain steadfast in their conscience and faith, drawn to the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque. Unfortunately, official stances of Arab kings and presidents are nothing but a farce and disgrace, selling out all that is precious to Zionism after normalization.

The plight of Jerusalem and the blessed Al-Aqsa Mosque is a disgrace for the Arabs, a salute to the Muslim and Arab peoples. Yet there are those who want it to live in a confined circle, to eat and drink, to build a house, but under the condition that it remains silent. If it expresses an opinion that agrees with the ruler, or takes a step only by the ruler’s permission, this means that Arab and Muslim peoples are intended to program their lives like robots. This is a catastrophe preventing security from returning to their historic role of global sovereignty for all peoples of the Earth.

Despite the fact that colonized peoples have rid themselves of their shackles, we now face another colonizer who rules and loots the country’s wealth, governing through force and a tight grip, devoid of freedom and democracy. They deceive themselves and the world, but the world knows their truth. The Moroccan people, despite all security restrictions, do not shrink from protests, showing solidarity with Gaza and against normalization. There is no difference between them and the Jordanian and Yemeni people in courage and strength.

Dear reader, if those in authority are not in favor of the nation, religion, and ethics, then what is the point? This is the religion of the free, and what is the point of describing the qualities of the described?

Dear reader, when you attribute qualities to the described and disappear, will you retain your status in the eyes of your people? No, under the power of the Zionists who control Morocco, demanding that King Mohammed VI set an example in fairness and wise leadership so that the description of the described is complete.

We will not be liberated until we rid ourselves of the traitors who sit at the head of the nation. O Palestine, O Palestine, the Arab rulers are traitors. If Allah supports you, then there will be no vanquisher against you.

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